
If you're having trouble progressing, here's a walkthrough for the game.

1. [FRONT HALL] Click the front door to close it.

2. [BASEMENT] Click the circuit breaker in the basement to turn off the lights.

3. [LIVING ROOM] Click the books to create a ramp.

4. [LIVING ROOM] Click the ball to roll it into the basement.

5. [BASEMENT] Click the ball to lure Cantrip out.

6. [BATHROOM] Click the toilet to flush it and distract Cantrip.

7. [BEDROOM] Click the door to knock the baseball bat over.

8. [UPSTAIRS HALL] Click the doormat to reveal the key.

9. [UPSTAIRS HALL] Click the key to drop it through the floor.

10. [KITCHEN] Click the crack in the ceiling to drop the key.

11. [BEDROOM] Click the portrait on the wall to make it fall and distract Kasimir.


12. [BEDROOM] Click the radio to turn it on.

13. [FRONT HALL] Click the door to ring the doorbell.


14. [BEDROOM] Click the curtains to open them (if they aren't already open).

15. [BEDROOM] Click the top half of the window to close the window.

16. [FRONT HALL] Click the front door to open it.


17. [KITCHEN] Click on the cabinet door to open it.

18. [FRONT HALL] Click on the front door to close it.